- On 2 février 2020
- In Content of Application Form Implementation Phase 1/2
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What is expected in section Implementation – Ph2?
** Describe your team and their achievements and experience in relation to the approach you will be taking.
** Describe the roles of the team within your project. What is the role of the company’s owner(s)? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the team?
** If your project is to be implemented by a consortium, describe how the partners complement each other.
Evaluation criteria
Technical/business experience of the team including management capacity to lead a growing team Phase 1: If relevant, the proposal includes a plan to acquire missing competences.
Phase 2: If relevant, the proposal includes a plan to acquire missing competences, namely through partnerships and/or subcontracting*, and explains why and how they are selected.
⇒ The industry experience of the management team has to be convincing.
⇒ Make sure to show that you have relevant experience in all fields: technology, marketing, staffing, fundraising etc.
⇒ When describing the company’s abilities, you can mention you will use the coaching that is provided to perform actions that are currently beyond the company’s capabilities.
⇒ Properly present your key people in the management structure.
⇒ Keep in mind that you will be required to provide further information on your company and its operational capacity in Section 4.
WORK PLAN – Phase 2
** Describe the overall structure of the work plan.
** Explain the timing of the work packages and their components (include a Gant chart or similar).
** Present a detailed work description: List of work packages (table 3.a) A description of each WP (table 3.b)
WP descriptions need to match with your (current) TRL 6 status and demonstrate TRL increase.
=> Does your WP structure consider your business development?
=> Give enough information at task level to fully understand what you are aiming to do.
⇒ Provide a realistic time frame.
=> Make sure the work plan describes how you fill the existing gaps you mentioned in the ‘market’ section and will overcome the barriers specified.
=> Make sure the information about subcontractors is also included in the relevant WP
Give full details.
⇒Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in which it is to be carried out.
⇒Include details of the resources to be allocated to each work package. Resources assigned to work packages should be in line with their objectives and deliverables.
⇒The number of work packages should be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the project.
⇒You should give enough detail in each work package to justify the proposed resources and also quantified information so that progress can be monitored, including by the Commission.
⇒You are advised to include a distinct work package on ‘management’ and a distinct work package on ‘commercialisation (dissemination and exploitation)’ and communication activities.
⇒If your project is taking part in the Pilot on Open Research Data, you must include a ‘data management plan’ as a distinct deliverable within the first 6 months of the project. A template for such a plan is given in the guidelines on data management in the H2020 Online Manual.
** List of major
deliverables (table 3.c) ** Include a list of milestones (table 3.d)
⇒Deliverables and Milestones due date are measured in months from the project start.
⇒ Means of verification: show how you will confirm that the milestone has been agained. Refer to indicators if appropriate. For example: a first product that is ‘up and running’; software released and validated by a user group; certificate agained.
TYPE: Use one of the following codes:
R: Document, report (excluding project periodic or final report)
DEM: Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs
DEC: Websites, patents filing, press & media actions, videos, etc.
OTHER: Software, technical diagram, etc.
DISSEMINATION LEVEL: Use one of the following codes:
PU: Public, fully open, e.g. web
CO: Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement
CI: Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC.
** What might go wrong? Include a table with critical risks identified and mitigating actions (table 3.e). Explain your approach to the proposed mitigation measures.
Evaluation criteria
A critical risk is a plausible event or issue that could have a high adverse impact on the ability of the project to achieve its objectives. Risk analysis – very important to take this section seriously. Show the reader you have given it a serious thought and that you analyzed all the risks and prepared for them. Also reflect the mitigation measures in your task action plan.
Description of risk | WP(s) | Proposed risk-mitigation measures |
Associated to general matters | ||
Complexity of remaining research activities, potentially impacting the overall work plan time schedule. | WP… | Even if the expertise involved are indisputably accustomed to the complexity of this type of challenging R&D activities, the company will be able to re-arrange the overall work plan, in order to accomplish the scheduled plan. |
Stakeholders and Special Groups of Interest could not be enough engaged and consequently not aware enough on the innovativeness of the product. | WP… WP… WP… | Ensure appropriated involvement measures both during the testing and evaluation program, and also during the dissemination stage. |
Description of risk | WP(s) | Proposed risk-mitigation measures |
Associated with the Sustainability | ||
Production sustainability, standing by market demand | WP… | Although this case is strongly unlikely, the company needs to be ready to manage a potential unsustainability, and re-organization of the planned manufacturing plan, taking in account a potential involvement of outsourcing manufacturing. |
Delayed/reduced market penetration | WP… | ‘s agreements aimed to provide adequate financial compensation. Focusing on selected pilot customers and key industrial partners in target areas. Development of a Financial Sustainability plan. |
** What are the resources, equipment and facilities required for the project and how you will access them?
** Would you need additional resources for scaling-up your business? Please provide the following:
– a table showing number of person months required (table 3.f).
– a table showing ‘other direct costs’ (table 3.g) for participants where those costs exceed 15% of personnel costs
Evaluation criteria
⇒ Table 3.f is where you describe the staff work hours in the project.
⇒ Your required Person Months (PM) need to be aligned with the current FTE in the company.
⇒ Table 3.g is where you mention the devices and equipment you will purchase. Ensure you put in the depreciated costs for all capital items.
⇒ Explain explicitly all “other direct cost” and their need for the project.
WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5 | WP6 | |
Person Months | 80 | 15 | 10 | 70 | 10 | 5 |
Personnal Costs (€) | 400,000 | 75,000 | 50,000 | 350,000 | 50,000 | 25,000 |
Travel Costs (€) | 10,000 | 5,000 | 3,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 3,000 |
Equipments (€) | 40,000 | – | – | – | – | – |
Materials (€) | 150,000 | – | – | 350,000 | – | – |
Other (€) | 100,000 | 70,000 | 2,000 | 100,000 | 20,000 | 2,000 |
Direct Costs (€) | 300,000 | 75,000 | 5,000 | 455,000 | 25,000 | 5,000 |
Indirect Costs (€) | 175,000 | 37,500 | 13,750 | 201,250 | 18,750 | 7,500 |
Subtotal (€) | 875,000 | 187,500 | 68,750 | 1,006,250 | 93,750 | 37,500 |
Subcontractor 1: (€) | 100,000 | – | – | – | – | – |
Subcontractor 2: (€) | – | 70,000 | – | – | – | – |
Total Budget (€) | 975,000 | 257,500 | 68,750 | 1,006,250 | 93,750 | 37,500 |
Requested EC Contribution (70%) (€) | 682,500 | 180,250 | 48,125 | 704,375 | 65,625 | 26,250 |
Costs (€) | Justification | |
Travel | 40,000 | 20,000 for the two pilots in WP3 (includes total 6 mont-long accomodation at €2,500/each and 5 week-long visits at €1,000/each); €20,000 for WP2 and WP4 (estimated 20 visits to target markets/stakeholders at average approx. €1,000/each) |
Equipment | 0 | According to …-country’s accounting practices equipment used R&D projects are put directly at cost and therefore no depreciation is required. |
Other goods and services | 950,000 | €800,000 for materials & consumables of the prototype pilots in WP3: -€600,000 for optimization and production of — -€200,000 for — €150,000 for services: -€10,000 in WP1 for audit services; -€30,000 for legal services in WP2 (Task 2.2); -€50,000 for transport services in WP3; -€50,000 for trade fair services in WP4 (2 fairs at €25,000/each); -€10,000 for web-related services in WP4 |
Total | 990,000 |